How to clear a path for magic…

Juicy topic alert, where do we start?

No matter how old you are, we don’t feel that age inside. We feel the same as we did 20 years ago, just with a little more knowledge and life experience.

Along this path of life, we get shaped and moulded by our experiences and the people that we spend time with.

We get hurt, we feel embarrassment, our confidence gets knocked and we get steamrollered by others at times!

Fears and limiting beliefs are then formed and this is what will get in the way of your magic working.

Our younger years are such an important time as this is where we pick up our deep, limiting beliefs. These normally stick with us well into adulthood and often remain unchallenged. Some people are totally unaware that they even have them. This is why the same things keep showing up in their life or they attract a certain type of person over and over.

Is this you?

Do you have a similar thought pattern that repeats or do you have a life pattern that keeps manifesting in your reality? If so, don’t worry, we can get to the bottom of it and shift that old energy out.

Lets clear these patterns, and shift the shit!

Lets look at some examples so that you get this totally.

Some examples could be that you:

  • Never get chosen for promotion, even though you feel that work really hard

  • Feel guilt every time you treat yourself to something

  • Believe that you are not good enough, not pretty enough, not worth it

  • Overspend on shopping and then feel terrible afterwards

  • Keep attracting the wrong type of man/woman into your life

  • Each time you get a little extra money in the bank, an unexpected bill eats it all up

  • Feel very unlucky and that good things never happen to you

  • Never win anything

  • Feel jealous or envious of others

  • Believe that life is hard and always a struggle

  • Procrastinate on loads of things

  • Life feels so random, like you have no power over anything that happens

Those are just some of the negative patterns and thoughts that seem to be the most common.

I bet you can identify at least 1 of these in your own life, maybe you have a few of them. It’s fine and it is very, very fixable!

Recognising what your patterns are is the first step and this can be tricky to do by yourself, hence where a Life Coach can help.

Think about what you want to change in  your life and try to see any recurring things that keep happening to you. Also, try and identify the negative thought patterns that play on repeat in your head. Really listen. You may of never truly heard this voice before, what does it say?

Don’t be afraid to look or to feel these emotions.

Looking at our shadows can be hard, but healing can begin by shining the light of awareness onto it and then your magic will be more effective.

So lets say you have the repeating pattern of thinking that you aren’t good enough.

This emotion drags you down. The not feeling ‘good enough’ sensation lowers your energy, zaps your enthusiasm and really blocks you from doing what you really want to do.

Dig deep down to try and trace that feeling back to your younger self. Get your shovel out, maybe some tissues and a nice cup of tea while your at it!

Did somebody tell that you were not good enough at something, maybe a teacher or friend?

Perhaps you tried to pursue something in your teenage years that you got teased for or made fun of?

Maybe you weren’t encouraged enough by your family making you feel less valued or heard.

Was there a bully or nasty friend that made you feel worthless?

Perhaps you had a boyfriend who really put you down in the past?

Dig deep! It can be scary to look at this stuff, but to shift it, we need to clear it.

Don’t let the fear get the better of you. Of course it can suck to remember an old experience that feels yucky, but this is how we shift that shit! Shine the light on it and get it out of the shadows where it has been festering for donkey’s years no doubt!!

REMEMBER: This is the past, it’s just a memory, not reality.

It is the past and it’s not real anymore. Let go, it is over and it is done. Heal your younger self by releasing the past.

Can you see how this one emotion of not feeling good enough can impact your life?

The result could affect your confidence, your excitement of life, your belief in yourself, the choices you make.

Also, this thought is utter horse shit! Of course you are good enough.

Just because someone tried to put you down or made fun of you, this does not mean that you are not good enough.

You see how that experience could squash your younger fragile self, but it’s not true!

It was just someone projecting their own issues onto you and making you feel like crap to stroke their own ego.

We don’t have to believe these thoughts.

Our mind gremlins that spout this rubbish are just reading a script from years ago. Old, outdated and needs chucking away because its useless, like a tabloid newspaper. Not worth reading because it’s full of negativity and lies. Bullcrap, total fantasy, gremlin talk!

If you have certain situations that keep arising, this is because of a belief that you still carry within your energy that is manifesting this problem into your reality. Like attracts like. The Law of attraction will give you more of what you emotionally and energetically put out there.

Take the time to figure out your patterns by doing some journaling.

What’s showing up in your life repeatedly that you don’t want?

What thoughts are you believing that are not true?

Massive breakthroughs here we come! Can you imagine how different your world will seem when you let go of these negative, untrue beliefs and then your magic will flow so much easier and changes will occur.

Instead of believing that you are not ‘good enough’, you choose the thought that you ARE good enough.

Make your life choices based on the true belief that you are good enough. Go for that promotion and believe you will get it. Buy that dress because you deserve it. Feel good about yourself and get excited about your life!

You can finally get out of that mud and move forward into a new reality.

Cast for what you really want and put those fresh intentions out there on the full moon.

You are whatever you choose to believe. Amazing, talented, patient, lucky, happy, giving, inspirational, all of the above.

It is seriously powerful stuff and I would love to help you with it. It can be tricky sometimes, to dig down deep and release this old energy. With the right questions and with help of my own metaphorical torch , I can give you a helping hand to find these shadows that are holding you back. Heal your younger self.

I really hope this resonates with you because I cannot stress enough how life changing this process can be and how it opens up your magical power on such a beautiful way.

So be brave, and if you would like some help, whizz me an email to book a session.



What is shadow work?….