How does manifesting work?..

How does manifesting work?

Let’s break it down into my interpretation of what manifesting really is in it’s most basic form.

This is a huge topic with many layers so lets start at the beginning and later will come the discussions on Chaos magic, Hermetics, Astrology, Tarot and shadow work. All of these things form a larger picture of how this reality works.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of variables and I don’t know if we, as humans, can ever really grasp the entire magical concept of how our universe works but this is my take on it.

There is always a little mystery and magic that seems to be just out of reach, but I like that.


So, imagine that our world is filled with this ‘stuff‘ that we can’t see.

A substance that fills our air and is all around us. An energy field. A matrix.

This substance can be moulded and projected onto by us and it can create ‘things’ in our world through our subconscious mind.

Our thoughts and emotions affect this substance and it responds to our thoughts and feelings over time. It responds to our subconscious thinking.

When you visualise, your mind is projecting an image into this ‘stuff’ and if you add a high frequency of energy to it (your happy emotions) then it sets off a process.

You imprint your mind movie into the invisible ‘stuff’ and set it ta high frequency with your emotion and energy.

You have to align your conscious and subconscious and this can be the tricky part and where shadow work is needed to remove the unaligned mental blocks.

So now you need to align with that mould as often as you can. Match its feeling.

You have to match it by being on the same frequency to feed it power. Then it can go from the invisible moulding material and become solid in this plane.

Does that make sense?

Keep bringing your  emotions to match that same frequency that you set your mould with.

Over time, you feed this visualisation with your emotions and it becomes solid by a string of coincidences and events that bring this desire to you.

The universe has to abide by our physical laws remember. You won’t see a pile of money manifest before your eyes, but a chain of events will be set off. It’s your job to look out for the doors that are being opened to you.

It isn’t the universes job to do all of the work. You have to do your part by matching the mould and taking the steps when they appear to you.

That is how manifesting works in a very basic way.

If you keep matching that frequency every day, not only does that make you feel good, it also means that your resistance to life is less. Plus, more nice things can flow to you as a by product because you’re a vibrational match to the good stuff and you have released the resistance through your shadow work.

I hope that helps you to grasp how powerful your mind is and how much power we all hold, if we learn to use it properly.

Your subconscious mind is the biggest factor in how powerful your magic is so start working on your mindset first of all.

That’s the tricky bit. Your subconscious can get in the way with all of its old patterns and beliefs and that’s where I come in. To help you shift out those manifesting blocking, douche bag thoughts and beliefs that lie beneath!



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