Declutter your life….

Brooms are for more than just flying and you can’t create good magic in a cluttered space.

So do you need to do some decluttering? I bet you do.

If you hate housework, then you might be cringing at the thought of cleaning up your home.

Let me explain why it’s so important and how much it improves the way you feel, your anxiety levels and your manifesting power! It’s major.

5 reasons why you need to declutter:


This is a big one and a good reason alone for sorting out your home.

Clutter is best friends with anxiety and depression. Living is a home that is unclean and messy is no good for your mental health AT ALL!

It makes you feel bad about yourself, so you can’t muster the energy to get started, so it gets worse.

Rinse, repeat and you end up in a circle of anxiety, self-loathing, depression, irritation and low vibes.

Bad vibes

Stagnant energy will build up in the mess and clutter which, on an energetic level is bad news.

The ‘low vibes’ will fester and it will get harder and harder to find the motivation to know where to even begin.

Like attracts like, so living in bad vibes or clutter will seriously affect your vibration and you will find it difficult to be in the higher vibe emotions because the energy in your home with counteract it.

You get stuck in the low vibration and your magic will have minimal power.

Stuck in the past

Are you holding onto things that are linked to bad memories or past experiences, maybe of happier times or old boyfriends?

Look around your house and see what you have on show that subconsciously is keeping you trapped in the past.

Are you holding onto old photos of ex’s, or old presents that you hate, or old clothes that make you feel shit and don’t even fit you properly?

Even get in the back of your wardrobe where you might be hiding things that mind still knows is there.

Charity shop it, bin it, recycle it or burn it if that makes you feel better.

If you have things that you can’t bear to part with, just pack them away neatly and put in the loft out of sight.

Cloudy thinking

Do you find you head is fuzzy or having trouble thinking clearly and making decisions?

Decluttering will give your mind some space to think more clearly. Whether you realise or not, your mind will constantly be feeling the clutter around you, will be distracted by it and you get a brain fog.

Get the windows open, clean the floor, let the fresh air in, and light some incense to clear the bad vibes out.

Arguments and bugs can be suspended in the air too so make sure you light incense after any arguments or illness.

Stuck in a rut

You need to make room for new things to come.

If you have clutter and stagnant energy all around you, how do you expect new things to come into your life?

If you feel stuck in a rut physically or emotionally, there is no space for change, so you need to make some.

By clearing out the physical space, that automatically frees up more mental space.

Nature abhors a vacuum, so the new space is ready to be filled with new experiences, which is where your manifesting fits in.

You make room, clear up the energy and then get to work manifesting what you want to fill the new space!

You see how decluttering is more than just cleaning!!

It plays a big part in how your life moves forwards and the power of your magic.

So, whilst you are cleaning, think about what you are wanting to bring into your life next and get excited!

Where are you going to be waving your wand next?



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